Soul Matters
What is soul? Why does it matter? And what does it have to do with living a joyful and whole human life? Psychotherapists Juliana Pope and Mark Goodman will engage with these questions and will engage others as they explore what it is to live a joyful and soulful life. Along the way, they will bring their over 50,000 hours of clinical experience, as well as their commitment to contemplative and mindfulness-based life practices to these questions. They hope to bring a wide range of perspectives to these questions looking at both right brain and left brain methodologies, cognitive therapy and mindfulness, the latest finding in neuroscience and the ancient teachings from eastern philosophy and practices. They invite you on this journey of exploration with them because these are essential and important questions, questions that often get overlooked in the rush and stress of the day. They invite you to explore and engage with them because Soul Matters.
Soul Matters
Season 2 Ep#8: Relentless Grace: Meeting Trauma with Mindfulness and Radical Self-Care
Juliana Pope & Mark Goodman
Season 2
Episode 8
In this episode, we speak with Elizabeth Spring. Elizabeth is survivor of horrific traumas in her life. She speaks so eloquently, courageously and vulnerably about her traumas and the journey from some very dark places to a life with light and love and joy in it. So much of this journey of healing was made possible by her deep commitment to mindfulness practice as a way of life and a way meeting difficulty and suffering. We found Elizabeth and her story to be quite extraordinary and inspiring. After listening to the episode, if you want to follow Elizabeth on Instagram you can find her @infinite.pause_abilities